


Whitechapel kündigen ihr neues Album „Hymns In Dissonance“ an

Die Deathcorewelt geriet in Aufruhe, als Whitechapel sagten, dass sie mit ihrem nächsten Album „Back To The Roots“ gehen wollen.

Anders als bei vielen Bands, die ähnliche Versprechungen machen, scheinen Whitechapel Wort zu halten. Die erste Single „A Visceral Retch“ erinnert stark an den Stil ihrer frühen Alben „The Somatic Defilement“ und „This Is Exile

Es wird noch besser, denn heute wurde ein neues Album und eine weitere Single veröffentlicht:

01 Prisoner 666
02 Hymns in Dissonance
03 Diabolic Slumber
04 A Visceral Retch
05 Ex Infernis
06 Hate Cult Ritual
07 The Abysmal Gospel
08 Bedlam
09 Mammoth God
10 Nothing is Coming for Any of Us

Das Werk trägt den Titel „Hymns In Dissonance“ und dürfte einigen Fans bereits bekannt sein. Die laufende US-Tour führt ebenfalls diesen Namen, und auch die zweite Single-Veröffentlichung die heute das Licht der Welt erblickt!

Die Band über das Album:

“There is nothing nice about Hymns In Dissonance, from the riffs, to the lyrics, to the overall vibe of the album,” says guitarist Alex Wade of the band’s latest output. “We attempted to write our heaviest album to date. We wanted to put out something that was shockingly menacing and brutal.” “The album follows the story of a cultist who is gathering worthy people to join his cult,” Wade further elaborates, “and there are moments in the storyline where the cult followers are singing an evil hymn to open a portal for the head cultist to enter.”

“Hymns In Dissonance is a mockery of the true nature of what hymns are,” Bozeman explains. “Hymns are melodious and harmonious. Dissonance is the opposite of melody and harmony. Dissonance represents evil. The tracks on the record are the hymns, which represent the seven deadly sins, beginning from Track three to Track ten. Tracks one and two are the introduction.”

“It’s cool that we can be self-sufficient and produce a record of this magnitude ourselves; not a lot of bands can say that.” Notes Bozeman, “It’s about [the storyline’s cultist] building his cult of followers: Only the most heinous and vile people on the planet showing their devotion to their lord, committing horrible acts, and the leader showcasing his power and his purpose to commit the seven cardinal sins to resurrect their lord, and to replace divinity with evil.” Adds Wade, “Mostly written by Phil on guitar, „Hymns In Dissonance“ has a few riffs and tweaks thrown in by the rest of us. He can churn out some pummeling riffs and it’s one of the best songs on the album because he had a vision for the whole song with the riffs and vocals. It’s tuned to Drop G which we have been using since the self-titled LP, but the ending breakdown shifts down one whole step to Drop F, which we have never done before. Having the final breakdown shift lower than the rest of the song really helped the end have the crushing feeling it needed.”

Der Titeltrack schlägt übrigens noch härtere Töne als sein Vorgänger an.
Ob die Jungs tatsächlich die Pforten der Hölle öffnen wollen?

Dies werden wir am 07.03.25 erfahren!

Hier geht es zum neuen Song:

Das offizielle Musikvideo feiert um 18:00 Uhr Premiere:

15. Januar 2025 
9:12 Uhr


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